Is it Possible to Change the Difficulty Level of Wordle?

Wordle is a popular online word-guessing game that has recently gained immense popularity among game enthusiasts worldwide. It is a game that requires players to guess a five-letter word in six attempts. The game’s simplicity and addictiveness have made it a sensation among game lovers, but many players wonder if they can change the game’s difficulty level. In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to change the difficulty level of Wordle and how to do it.

Understanding Wordle Difficulty Levels

Before delving into whether Wordle difficulty levels can be changed, let us understand the game’s difficulty levels. Wordle’s game algorithm selects a five-letter word at random from a predetermined list of words. The chosen word’s difficulty level depends on the frequency of letters in the word. For instance, words with rare letters like “J” or “X” are harder to guess than words with common letters like “E” or “S.” Therefore, the difficulty level of Wordle varies each time you play, depending on the randomly generated word.

Is it Possible to Change the Difficulty Level of Wordle?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the difficulty level of Wordle manually. The game’s algorithm generates a random word with a predetermined difficulty level, and there is no way to adjust or alter the game’s algorithm. However, there are ways to make the game easier or harder by adjusting your playing approach.

Tips to Make Wordle Easier or Harder

Here are some tips to make Wordle easier or harder, depending on your preference.

Easier Wordle Tips:

Start with common letters: Since the game’s algorithm selects a random word with varying difficulty levels, it is best to start with the most common letters in the English language. These include “E,” “A,” “R,” “I,” and “O.”

Guess words with repeated letters: Another way to make Wordle easier is to guess words with repeated letters. These words are often shorter and easier to guess since they narrow down the possible letter combinations.

Use the process of elimination: If you are unsure about a word’s correct letter placement, you can use the process of elimination to eliminate letters that do not fit in any of the remaining slots.

Harder Wordle Tips:

Guess words with rare letters: To make Wordle harder, try guessing words with rare letters like “J,” “X,” or “Z.” These letters are not commonly used in English words, making the game more challenging.

Guess longer words: The longer the word, the harder it is to guess the correct letters. Try guessing words with six or seven letters to make the game more challenging.

Avoid guessing common letters: Since the game’s algorithm selects a random word with varying difficulty levels, guessing common letters like “E,” “A,” or “S” may make the game too easy. Try to guess less common letters like “V,” “Q,” or “K.”


In conclusion, it is not possible to change the difficulty level of Worlde manually. The game’s algorithm selects a random word with a predetermined difficulty level, and there is no way to adjust or alter the game’s algorithm. However, players can make the game easier or harder by adjusting their playing approach. By using the tips mentioned above, players can tailor their Wordle experience to their liking.

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